Cara loves practicing yoga. Yoga has many benefits and supports Cara’s tennis training. Here are 32 examples of these benefits.
- makes you happier
- gives you peace of mind
- increases your self-esteem
- gives you inner strength
- improves your flexibility
- builds muscle strength
- improves your posture
- protects your spine
- betters your bone health
- prevents cartilage and joint breakdown
- drains your lymphs and boosts immunity
- increases your blood flow
- ups your heart rate
- drops your blood pressure
- regulates your adrenal glands
- maintains your nervous system
- founds a healthy lifestyle
- lowers blood sugar
- helps you focus
- relaxes your system
- improves your balance
- releases tension in your limbs
- helps you sleep deeper
- boosts your immune system functionality
- gives your lungs room to breathe
- prevents digestive problems
- eases your pain
- builds awareness for transformation
- keeps allergies and viruses at bay
- encourages self care
- supports your connective tissue
- is fun!!
Cara enjoys swimming, which compliments her overall fitness regimen. She swims every week and participates in Friday Night Races on a regular basis, as well as participates in swimming competitions. Swimming provides Cara the health benefits of a vigorous workout as well as the fun and thrill of competition.
Swimming is a good all-round activity as it:
- keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body
- builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness
- helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs
- tones muscles and builds strength
- provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming
- is relaxing and peaceful form of exercise
- alleviates stress
- improves coordination, balance and posture
- improves flexibility
- provides good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions
- provides a fun and pleasant way to cool down on a hot day!!